Snowy Days

When living in the North Country, a snow shovel is something you simply can't live without. We have several. Heaven forbid you try and squeeze by with just one, and it breaks, you wouldn't be able to get out of the driveway at times.
I want to share a few pictures, all were taken in the middle of winter. This first picture reminds me of "Diary of a Snow Shoveler". If you've read this, you might have laughed yourself to tears, but there is so much truth in it. The snow looks oh so white and magical at first, until you get a foot or more overnight, the plow truck throws a ton of that white stuff in the driveway, and you're wondering how many hours it will take to clean up the mess. 

Here is a picture of our path. The path that goes from the shed to both our back doors, and then to the driveway. Imagine the amount of work required to make sure that we can get out the door and into the car.

The next picture is a view of our street after a snowstorm. The road has not been cleared yet. Since we live on the back roads, it often takes a while until we get our road clears, as they do the main roads first.
We keep the snowbanks cut back around the mail box so that the mail carrier doesn't have to get out of the car to deliver our mail. Oh yeah we're that considerate :)

The next picture shows our path from the house to the chicken coop. There wasn't much snow yet when I took that picture. After a heavy snow storm, it easily takes a couple hours to shovel the path and ever so often, the drifts will fill it right back in.

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