Sunday, February 5, 2017

Loki the Unknown Creature

Meet Loki the unknown snow creature. We spent some time piling up snow off and on for 2 weeks, in preparation of our sculpting day today. It's always best to pile up snow ahead of time so that it can settle. The more it settles, the easier to sculpt, as long as you don't have a warm-up followed by a cold spell, which easily turns the piles into icy nightmares. We lucked out, especially since mother nature dumped about 2 feet of snow on the pile we already had. Speaking of low hanging fruit!
Today brought far from perfect sculpting weather because the temperature was too low for the snow to pack. Mark had to go inside for a bit to warm up his feet in-between.

Total sculpting time was about 3 hours, not counting the cave we made in the back of the sculpture. The 3 hours also don't include the time it took to pile up the snow. I didn't keep track, but I know it was more than 3 hours all together.

Mark originally decided to make a cat out of that pile of snow, but it turned out different. Sometimes you just have to let a sculpture build itself and follow its lead. At some point it looked like a bird, but the end result isn't much bird-like. It also looked a bit like a frog while it was in the making, but you need some imagination to see a frog there. We'll just leave it at Loki the Unknown Creature.

The pictures below show the making of the sculpture from beginning to end. We also made a couple pictures with us in front of the snow pile, which gives you an idea about the size.

As always, you can click on the pictures to get a better view.

Let's start with the pile of snow :)

In the process of carving.

The finished product

We made an opening in the back, this is my snow shelter now :)