Friday, April 7, 2017

More snow fun

It's been a long winter. I am writing this on April 7 and it's snowing outside. An old man told me years ago how to predict spring. Ever since he told me that, I've been paying attention to it, and he's been right year after year, about 15 years now. According to his theory we'd have a late spring this year, and sure enough...

So how do you predict spring?

Think full moon and the tides of the sea, and how it all influences the weather. OK that wasn't too technical, but you get my drift.
Easter is on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. If Easter is late, spring is late. It's really that simple and it proves to be true year after year.

We all long for spring now, and it's time to start thinking about sunny days, sprouting seeds, and lots of work. until then, let's admire winter a bit more and reflect on its beauty.
Below are some pictures that we took this winter. oh how I want to say this "past" winter. Almost, almost..

This picture was taken during a walk around the corner from where we live. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon.

Deer by the train tracks. She wasn't too shy. This is just behind our back yard.

Another Sunday afternoon picture. Sun and snow go well together (as long as you're wearing sunglasses)

The train tracks cross the back yard way out back, and they are a good place to go snowshoeing on the weekends.

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